
We’re so glad you’re here. As excited as we are to get to know you, we also want you to know a little bit about us. What brought us together. What lights us up. What makes our partnership strong.

We scrapped the bios and thought a fun Q&A with a little substance would better get our hearts across.

Cliff notes: We go to together like Monica and Rachel. Tacos and Tuesdays. Summer and outdoor concerts. Texture and throw pillows. You get the idea. That, and we really truly love what we do.

Meet Erica Co-Founder & Lead Decorator

Meet Erica

Co-Founder & Senior Decorator

Tell us about your family. Where is home and who thrives in it with you?

Our little family of five currently lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana! We just moved up from Nashville and as much as my country music loving heart loved it down there, we feel happy and settled back in the Midwest! My husband, Matt, asked me to be his girlfriend on my 16th birthday, and he’s the kind of partner in life we all hope for.

We have three pretty awesome kids who keep us laughing and are the reason we fall asleep 30 seconds after our heads hit the pillow. Tayler (8) is our natural leader - she’s got enough determination for all of us. Seriously though. Harrison (6) is our gentle, thoughtful soul who continually teaches us about life. And Finley (4) is our in-house comedian and spunky little firecracker. In my next life I’m coming back as Finley. Our home buzzes with love.

In three sentences, tell us how Hygge Line Design began.

In March of 2020 I got a text from Kaitlin asking if I’d like to start a little design business with her. I was obviously honored and excited, as Kaitlin had been a friend for years and I’ve always admired her style and creativity. I thought she should’ve been doing this all along! It took me two months of building courage before I finally overruled my fears and said yes! In May we had laid out an outline for our business, and spoke extensively about our mission and goals. Knowing we’d need to build a portfolio, we began taking on clients who so graciously trusted us in our very beginning stages. We’re still very young, and still learning so much every day, but I can confidently speak for both of us when I say that taking that leap of faith together was one of the best things to come out of 2020.

Ok, that was seven sentences but the goal of three was a little unrealistic, no?

Tell us about the conditions you need to get into your creative flow. What do you need to feel inspired?

When the kids are all with their grandparents and I have a quiet, still house? I joke! Kind of. I’m always in pursuit of what we call “the hum”. Its that state when you become so engrossed and inspired in your work that the whole world around you fades away. Your heart beats a little faster due to the adrenaline spurred on by your mind buzzing with ideas and problem solving. Your motivation kicks into next gear, and you feel a natural high of excitement with possibility. If you know, you know. A quiet house, a cleared off kitchen island, my chill playlist in the background, and a solid block of time can usually get me there.

Reaching this state is a challenging for both Kaitlin and I as we both are home full time right now with little people to care for, but we make it work! Often its when we learn more about our clients and their lives that sparks us, a solid piece of furniture or designer we admire to inspire us, traveling to new places to ignite our fire, and leaning on each other through the breadth of the creative process that brings us home.

One design element you get most excited about choosing?

Oof this is tough. I’d probably say lighting though. I think lighting is one of the most critical yet overlooked pieces of a design, and can make or break a space. Part of a cozy home is cozy lighting, which requires intention. Whether its the lighting incorporated into the home’s structure, or the dimension and function of fixtures and lamps, I love the endless possibility they provide and the different needs they all fulfill throughout a home. Lighting affects everything. Let there be light!

What is it like to work Kaitlin? How do you two compliment each other? Shoot us the real!

I’m not embellishing when I say I couldn’t have dreamt up a better partner. Not only is she brilliant at what she does, but she’s a wonderful human full of grace, vision, drive, compassion, and warmth. I think our biggest strength together is our balance. In every facet of our business, we provide balance for one another. She’s often the dreamer, and I’m often the realist. She’s the outside the box, I’m the let’s also consider why the box exists. My very favorite messages from her are the ones that start with, “OK. So I have a crazy idea”. I know whatever follows that statement is about to be brilliant. We push each other to grow in different areas, and feed off of each other’s energy and direction. We have a natural ebb and flow that always seems to be flowing in the right direction.

We laugh. Like, a lot. If only y’all could hear the background sound track of chaos during our million voice message clips to each other everyday, or see how many times we send each other the exact same message at the exact same time. I think the only thing I enjoy more than having her as my business partner on this ride is having her as a close friend.

One Instagram account you find the most inspiring and why?

Angela Rose Home. Hands down. She feels so relatable to me. Not only do I Iove her personal style, but I appreciate how upfront she is about the creative process. She learns on the fly, she isn’t scared to take risks, and she’s always learning new DIY. I think I most appreciate how she lets her followers into the reality of making design mistakes, needing to make changes, and not always having an answer right away. Design is a process, not a destination, and that so resonates with me. 

Let’s talk pipe dreams. Nothing but the sky is the limit. What do you envision for Hygge Line Design in the future?

This is something Kaitlin and I talk about often — our goals. What “success” looks like for us.  I think for us, success will always be having  the ability to do this together. To create and dream together, help other families feel peace within their homes, while helping support our own families at the same time. This doesn’t feel like work, and we understand how much of a gift that is.

Next level for us would be the immense joy it would be to be able to hire a small staff we can cultivate relationships with and that align with our company’s values and vision. We love creative collaboration, and having a team to do that with while expanding our reach would be incredible. Would we say no to a thriving social media brand built on integrity or a tv show that captured the fun we have? Probably not. But you said the sky’s the limit! 

What do you enjoy in your free time? Other than design, what lights you up?

I’m a pretty simple creature who thrives off time spent with those closest to me. Deep late night chats at the kitchen island or around a bonfire with close friends or my husband and an ice cold dirty martini. Home improvement projects while jamming out. Getting lost in a book till 2 am while the rest of the house is quiet. Being active — I love playing soccer and basketball, running, and hiking. I love going to a good honky tonk with live music and crappy bar food, and game nights around a table with family.  My people and these small joys make my world spin round. 

Meet Kaitlin Co-Founder & Lead Decorator

Meet Kaitlin

Co-Founder & Senior Decorator

Tell us about your family. Where is home and who thrives in it with you?

Our family of all boys (+ me!) reside in Rochester Hills, Michigan. As you can imagine, there is never a dull moment in our home. There are lots of bumps and bruises, dirt, and good old fashion fun! My husband Chris and I met 15 years ago on a lucky St. Patrick’s Day in Chicago, and the rest is history! He brings out the best in all of us with his easy going personality, and willingness to jump right in to any crazy situation me or our kids come up with.

We have a 5 year old Son Flynn who is our music and dance loving sweetie pie. His tender heart and love for performing brings so much joy to our family. Our youngest son Emery (3) is our firecracker. We call him the “gorilla” because he spends his days jumping, climbing, and flipping off any and every surface he comes across. His fearless personality keeps us on our toes in the best way. Last but not least our 10 year old Goldendoodle, Duey, is the sweetest fur baby any family could ask for. He’s so “go with the flow” which is perfect for our high energy family.

What brought you to this point? What was your biggest challenge getting here? 

I’ve always loved interior design - anything where I can be creative makes my heart happy! I went to a year of interior design school in Chicago but at the time wasn’t ready to fully commit. It took years of building my confidence and realizing I had what it took to do what I love professionally. When Erica and I decided to join forces it felt like it was meant to be. Having someone to tackle all of the daunting unknowns of starting a brand new business made it feel less overwhelming. We also started our business right when the pandemic started, so adjusting to new norms for design, keeping the course without knowing what to expect, and making sure our systems were on point for e-design were crucial. We have a lot to learn, and leaning into that instead of being scared of it makes it manageable. We just keep moving forward, no matter how small the step, everyday.

What are two parts of the design process you find most fulfilling?

After going through a design consultation, when we have this initial rush and creative juices start flowing of how to make the room come to life. It fuels and excites me. I can’t get working fast enough and begin piecing together the initial concept!

The other part of the design process I love is seeing our plans and hard work beautifully executed at the end of a project. The peace and elation we see on our clients faces when they walk into their finished space is everything. Seeing them so happy and content in their home, let’s us know we did our job well and it truly fills my cup.

What is something you hope all clients get from working with you?

A sense of peace and trust. The power of home is so important to me. I feel a very strong need to help a client who feels like their home does not function well or represent who they are. Our homes are one of the most intimate parts of our lives so handing over that trust to us to create a space they love and want to be in is not always easy. I want them to know we always have their best interest in mind and want them to feel at peace with their decision to work with us.

What is it like to work Erica? How do you two compliment each other? Shoot us the real!

Ummm a dream. Hah, truly! Erica works HARD and puts 110% into everything she does and won’t stop until it is right. She’s honest when I come up with sometimes crazy ideas, and I appreciate that. We balance each other well. Our personal styles and aesthetics are similar, but also we push each other in the right ways to look at things differently which I think ends up with the best results. We compliment each other so well and when collaborating together our design tends to go the extra mile. It ultimately fuels us creatively to getting the best result. We also have so much fun together! It’s easy in the sense that we don’t take anything too seriously and enjoy the ride.

Outside of each other, who is your biggest supporter and how important are they to your success?

Hands down my husband, Chris. He is my number one fan and his support is unwavering. He’s also made all my personal home dreams come true thus far by doing all the physical labor himself. He’s an incredibly talented builder. 

He’s poured a lot of his own personal time, energy, and knowledge into helping us build a foundation for our business, which is yet another way he has shown up big time. He believes we have what it takes and wants us to do well. That means everything to me.

One design element you get most excited about choosing?

There are many but one that is so impactful for me is paint. It can change a whole space. It’s such a simple and inexpensive design element but really guides the direction any room can go. I can walk into any space and if the paint is wrong I have a hard time looking past it. Choosing the right color palette is crucial in interior design. The power of paint is real!

Tell us about your favorite project to date. What about it has it holding such a special place in your heart?

I think project number one. Our very first together. It was two boys’ bedrooms. We learned a lot about time management, about client expectation, and seeing a project through from start to finish. The end result was so incredible for our first project that it just felt like it confirmed that this is where we belong and what we should be doing. It was such a great feeling. The family was so ecstatic with how it turned out, and it was truly the best feeling in the world.

One Instagram account you find the most inspiring and why?

There are so many, but my favorite is probably Dwell Magazine. The homes on that account are so insanely beautiful. The architecture is incredible, and it just encourages me to dream big and venture outside the box. I also love that it showcases so many different designers and design styles - it fuels my growth. There are so many beautiful homes and talented designers in this world and it’s so fun to see them through photos.

What do you enjoy in your free time? Other than design, what lights you up?

A lot of what I do revolves around creativity and finding different outlets for that. Along with our work in interior decorating, I am a hair and makeup artist. I have a sweet little studio in our home that allows me to continue relationships with so many loyal clients. My other love is time spent in our kitchen. I love to bake, and use that as another avenue for creativity and filling happy bellies. Other than that I just love being outdoors, throwing a good party, and making fun memories with my family. If I could spend everyday at the beach with my boys I absolutely would. I know they are young now and the time is fleeting so I try to soak up the moments while they are little.

Meet Erin Design Assistant

Meet Erin

Junior Decorator

Tell us about your family. Where is home and who thrives in it with you?

My cozy little home is in Indianapolis, Indiana and I share it with my husband, Luke, our daughter, Palmer, and our obnoxiously oversized and lovable malamute, Kaiser! Luke and I have been together for 9 years now and he is as lovable as he is loud.

Aside from taking on projects and assisting with HLD, I am a nanny for three beautiful little sisters. I absolutely love my job and the family I get to be a part of!

You’re Hygge’s first addition! What led you to say yes to joining the team?

It was such an easy yes for me! This was something I never knew I needed until I really found my groove in my own home. As our little family settled into our first few homes, it became clear that it was more than just decorating for me. I thrived off the spatial mapping, intention behind the function of our spaces and how we use them, playing with color and texture, and making it feel like ours.

I knew this was something I truly loved, but admittedly it was nerve-wracking trying to build the confidence in myself to believe I could do this as a job. Knowing I had Kaitlin and Erica to lean on, however, sealed the deal. I love being able to tap into my own creativity, collaborate with others (who are over the age of 6!), and help transform spaces into something clients feel at home in.

Spill the dirt. What is it like working with Kaitlin and Erica?

I struck a gold mine with these two! I love that they give it their all and do it so effortlessly— while laughing and having fun at the same time. I have learned so much from these two, and they push me to be better and do better everyday. Aside from working so well together, we truly just enjoy each others’ company and laughing together. It’s amazing!

What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself since joining the Hygge team?

Oof, I don’t think I can pick just one! I have learned so much about myself over these last couple months that it’s hard to narrow down just one. BUT if I had to pick one, I think it would be that I got my groove back. I know that can mean many different things for people, but for me, it’s been finding and leaning into using my voice, the courage and vulnerability it requires to dive into my creative side again, and just remembering to relax and let loose!

Its so important in this kind of work to remember to enjoy the process and find fulfillment in the journey (not just the outcome!), and I think that has resonated in a lot of other areas in my life as well.

One design element you get most excited about choosing?

Okayyyyy— who can really put just ONE design element!? I have like 12, but I definitely lean towards accents and unique pieces for each room. I love trying to make simple things stand out and look not so simple! The hunt for finding and then integrating pieces that are meaningful and important to the client is everything. I want them to feel like it represents their story, and that they feel our thoroughness and consideration of that.

What do you enjoy in your free time? Other than design, what lights you up?

I’m such a homebody! Just being in my comfy clothes and online shopping is my jam. I also love me and my husband’s little traditions we do like watching movies and ordering Chinese every Friday! I have found a new love for working out and moving my body, as well as finding new recipes to make — even though I hate making dinner (don’t we all?). I love spending time with my nieces and nephews - being an aunt is just the best. The most basic thing I enjoy, however, is walking around Target with Starbucks - you can catch me there one a week slowly perusing every aisle with a smile on my face!

Meet Mallory

Junior Decorator

Tell us about your family. Where is home and who thrives in it with you?

I live in the northwest suburbs of Chicago with my husband Kyle, our 3 month old son Ryan, and our Golden Retriever Sulley (after Monsters Inc.).

One design element you get most excited about choosing?

I love including a good plant as a decor piece — they add life to a room!

Favorite design Instagram accounts you feel inspired by?

There are so many good ones out there but I really enjoy content by , Kismet House, Anglea Rose Home, and Chris Loves Julia

When you're not working, we might find you...

Watching true crime documentaries and/or practicing calligraphy

Fun fact about you…

My husband and I are renovating our 90’s track house fixer upper to be our custom(ish) forever home!

Meet Ivy

Junior Decorator

Tell us about your family. Where is home and who thrives in it with you?

Chicago suburbs! I live with my husband Pete, and kids Cayden (10) & Ryker (5)

One design element you get most excited about choosing?


When you're not working, we might find you...

Driving to hockey and hanging out in hockey rinks! I enjoy working out and being outside. Our family camps a ton in the summer and enjoys traveling.

Fun fact about you…

My family owns a CrossFit gym in Vernon Hills, IL, and I have an amazing husband who can build or create anything I dream up!